
Microrheology of DNA hydrogels

Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018

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Recommended citation: Zhongyang Xing, Alessio Caciagli, Tianyang Cao, Iliya Stoev, Mykolas Zupkauskas, Thomas O’Neill, Tobias Wenzel, Robin Lamboll, Dongsheng Liu, Erika Eiser, "Microrheology of DNA hydrogels." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018.

A flower's nano-powers

Published in Physics World, 2018

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Recommended citation: Tobias Wenzel, Silvia Vignolini, "A flower's nano-powers." Physics World, 2018.

Directional scattering from the glossy flower of Ranunculus : how the buttercup lights up your chin

Published in Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2011

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Recommended citation: Silvia Vignolini, Meredith Thomas, Mathias Kolle, Tobias Wenzel, Alice Rowland, Paula Rudall, Jeremy Baumberg, Beverley Glover, Ullrich Steiner, "Directional scattering from the glossy flower of Ranunculus : how the buttercup lights up your chin." Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2011.