Stepper Motor Container: Y axis control


Step 1: Base Structure:

Step 2: Place the guide and the motor:

Step 3: Stepper motor assembly:

  1. Join the Stepper Motor with the LBX40-21H4U adapter using 4 M2.5 x 5mm screws and tight with the allen key.

  1. Take the assembled pieces and join the opposite side of the LBX40-21H4U adapter with the Axis Control, using 2 M2.5 x 5mm screws

Step 4: Place the Stepper Axis Controller:

Step 5: Objective arm:

Step 6: Close the cubes:

Step 7: The Objective:

Carefully screw the needed objective into the Objective arm.

Do not touch the lens directly to avoid getting it dirty or scratched.

Now it's ready!